Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back to Life

My blog has been ignored, my podcast has stopped and romance isn't on the plateau. My book, "Skipping through Shadows" is done. But life moves on. I am starting on book two of the Bhuka Spook sagas. This one should veer off polite introductions and explore the already established realtionships into much darker regions.
As you can see I am not in the Bell Jar just busy. My friend Leilani Clark, has wonderfully joined the Bhuka Band and will begin editing in the second week of May. I am so blessed to have been kissed by both, Apollo and Calliope for granting me inspiration to write, read and be connected with so many wonderful people. Again, I cannot thank Leilani enough!

The book, "Skipping through Shadows," finished itself bascially and Leilani is one of the best people help me progress. She like Katie Mc Cleary have been with Bhuka since she first started walking through the corridors of Saint Cecilia's of the Celestial Song. Once my revise is done, I will shipping it to select friends (Katie) and family along with a questionaire about their take on my book. Once I inhale all the critiques and exhale, do a little more revising, hopefully my quest for artist representation will be over as well.

Since you have been kind enough to read this, I will give you a sneak peek into Bhuka Spook's Skipping Through Shadows first chapter...

A subtle breeze, scented with the faintest trace of thyme, wafted by; it moved lightly through the outstretched branches of the plum. The aspen trees quivered, casting an undulating wave of yellow and green leaves towards the sky. Their muted colors heightened the strange unearthliness of the purple plums. One distinct plum dislodged itself from the tree and plummeted unforgivably onto Bhuka’s head.

Violaceous fruit gore spilled down Bhuka’s heart-shaped face; her onyx curls collapsed into sticky tangles. She dropped to the ground in a thud, just like the ruptured plum, her vision bleed Bordeaux, changing her eyes from brown to burgundy. The color and texture lulled Bhuka as her vision dissolved into a flickering cinemascope. She saw a thin, pale woman with skin like white acacia petals and hair as dark and curled as a midnight maelstrom. The woman’s right ear had nine earrings, and left ear held three. She was beautiful. A thin man with gold-dust skin and almond-shaped eyes stood by the woman’s side. Dressed in torn denim jeans and a white tank top that showed off the map of colorful tattoos cascading down his slight but muscular arms. The inked tangles of flowers, moons and stars glowed mysteriously in the sunlight.

The couple seemed out of place on the busy street. The two remained blissfully ignorant as they walked holding hands amongst the gawking and pointing townspeople. Bhuka watched, unmoving from her position on the ground. These were her parents. She smiled as she watched her father wrap his golden arms, with their complex designs, around her mother and kiss her.

There you have it, a sneek into my first book, "Skipping Through Shadows" and Bhuka's first vision. It's been fun and exciting working on this. Many of you know this was my thesis project back at New College, and shocking enough I stuck with it. I doubt Bhuka would have let me shelve her story, when she wants to talk, I listen and well...she certainly is talking. So thank you everyone for reading and i promise there is more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hello luv! Please don't neglect your blog b/c now I have found out about it via Facebook, I can follow it via my own.

    Congrats on finishing your book I can't wait until it is out for sale!

