Friday, July 30, 2010

Pale Distortion

I've determined my value and set the price on unobtainable. I have grown accustomed to myself. Seriously, I won't set my smarts at a five when my paramour is a six because I'm a twelve.
Do the math, darling I don't calculate and you dont measure up.

I couldnt believe I saying this, or worse used to do this. I would paint myself in a dull hue, a placcid shade of him instead of letting my glow glisten like a gold coin at the bottom of a wishing well. Loneliness lashes fast and deep but I can dream. I can wish. "Did anyone say wish," Jambie asked. I did, I did, oh pick me, I want to hear my name in the magic mirror. Dont blur my image, no vaseoline on the surface. I want to be clean, babes, clean like my heart before I broke it in attempts at being his.

What happens when the looking glass cracks? Glass is fragil and transparent. So you sweep the shards and all you're left with is the pale distortion of someones elses derrière? Tragic truth isn't it? Honestly, why set your shine for sallow or ground your greatness? Be bright, be brave and be beautiful while migrating through the strange avenues of love.

Now on to the show, my book which is now being edited by Leilani Clark of Petals and Bones. Bhuka Spook: Skipping through Shadows-Chapter 4.

The engine revved and the two raced down the street haphazardly. Vanir’s boat of car wove through the traffic like a Japanese racing bike, exact and precise. Vanir knew her car and drove it like an expert. Bhuka adored how she handled the hairpin turns and begged her to drive faster. Vanir obliged and pressed her platformed boot to the gas pedal and sped all the way to Hesitancy Falls. Once they parked the car and walked for what felt like miles they eventually made their way to a tree-covered hill. Upon closer inspection, Bhuka realized it was not a small grove of trees clinging to the hilltop. It was a megalithic rope rooted banyan tree. The full span of the tree and its interlaced woody trunks dotted the entire expanse of the hillside. Stunned Bhuka could not comprehend how one tree could cover such a space without fully obstructing the sky.

“Bhuka, I see this tree was as much as a shock to you as it was to me. Even Fenris was awestruck. I love this tree but it is a Trojan horse. It houses an even deeper mystery that surpasses its beauty.”

Vanir leapt around the tree skillfully.

Bhuka followed in suit and treaded down the opposite side of the tree. When she reached ground level, Bhuka understood why Vanir referred to the banyan tree as a “Trojan horse.” Its roots as dramatic as they appeared on the top of the hill were nothing short than astonishing as below. They speared directly through the mound shrouding the preexisting structure underneath it in a foreboding blanket of caliginous green.

(Song choice... Stars: Wasted Daylight)

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