Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter of my Indecision

My book: "Skipping Through Shadow" has been written, revised and is being read by friends. After the mass critique I will revise again. Revisions, rewrites but revisiting romance I think not. Friendships are refine and love is random. Not saying that love is insignificant or otherwise unimportant, it is completely the opposite. Love is all encompassing and important. Though whether love has a stake in my day to day life is to be seen. Maybe I am to well versed in the art of solitaire, or overly engaged to mute satisfaction. Last year my hands reached in amorous waters. Milky and opaque as they were I couldn't see myself there. Love for loves sake isn't me.

I see differently. My peripheral vision maybe shadowed in pale shadows of pink and blue but I got vision. I see love not as a means to an end. I see love as a continual. A evolution of intellect, sensuality and understanding.

Valentines doth day approach. The seeds of love are dormant but I'm hardly in the "Springtime of my Voodoo" more like the "Winter of my Indecision."

Song Choice: Ella Fitzgerald: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

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