Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gorgeous Petit Webs

I had made a point of painting the sky in muted shades of blue rather than red. I took to lighting candles instead of fires under my feet or rekindling my heart. I didn't want to trouble anyone.I didn't want to trouble myself with theatrics. But the theater, the cinematic life is what people adore. They feed on drama, it establishes their worth. I don't need to establish my worth. I know it. I'm sterling. I don't need to be coupled during my suburban stay or date. Life has floral scented festivities instore with me. Grandoise galas filled with merriment, adventure and excitement not sweet stagnation. I'm done with the drearies, I'm done with the dramatists and frankly I'm over the oratorians.

Playing polite doesn't earn credit in the minds of co workers and lovers. It pacifies them, it sets a presidence of falsity. People want life to spin smooth comfortable webs of peace and tranquility. Disillusionment gives way to invention and invention creates gorgeous petit webs of diaphanous deceptions. This is not true if relationships both plationic or nonplatonic, familial or work are set on the sand by the raging sea. Break waters fail, mountains erode and iron oxidizes but life and love are limitless. Why label them with harmful terms and pin untruthful ideologies to the most elementary of things, life and love. They are both imperfect in their perfection like me.

Song Selection: The Myrmidons: What Color is Love

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