Friday, May 29, 2009

Gallows and Crucifixes

I don't write for him. I don't write for you. I write for me.  I write for clarity and expression. Writing is the rare mountain side clearning where I lay naked on a bed of lillies and tullips alone. Selfish I know, but writting is the one place I can fly free without restraint.  I have never been a fan of bondage, restraints or cages. As mentioned in Breakfast at Tiffany's I put myself in my own cage but the shackles are off and the doors are open. However, on ink and on paper there are no doors only space, endless white pages. Blank papges where I instantaneously become both magician and warrior. I am a duality as my lunar sign suggests Gemini.
You might say thatboth those figures are lonely types but it is not true. Every warrior has a love to anchor themself too, whether it be a physical person or and abstract idea. The same goes goes for the magician, or the witch, their lover are the elements and the esoteric. I am a lover of the esoteric and the abstract but it does not mean I can't love the physical.  What is the word can't anyway. It is a simple little word dolled up with a lot of nonsensical letters like N and T.  The letter N is related closely to the "END" and the letter T in it's capital form looks like double sided gallows, in its lower case form a crucifix, both devices bring an end.  These are my truths and understanding of those letters. Theories, and truths change as something can mean one thing then and change at another time like the love. 

Love is universial movement and movement is motion, motion is energy and energy is eternal and eternity is everything and nothing. So is love,  you can love something with such fire and then crystalize it in ice, shattering it into splinters. Love is this, and that...

Song Choice: Lush-Monocrome

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